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时间:2019-04-08 00:00来源:未知 作者:映山红装饰 点击:

??2月27日,美国IDA国际设计大奖(International Design Awards)公布了2018年度奖项的最终获奖名单,中装美艺严建中和吴艳教授的“紫衣为冠”在全球众多设计作品中脱颖而出,荣获室内设计奖(Interior Design)。


??IDA国际设计奖(The International Design Award)创办于2007年,是美国最 具权威的国际设计大奖之一,奖项设置覆盖建筑设计、室内设计、产品设计、时尚设计、平面设计五个门类,评选标准严苛,被称为世界各大知名设计奖项的“风向标”。







严建中 吴艳 教授作品 “紫衣为冠”

??严建中 吴艳 教授作品 “紫衣为冠”


??设计公司:中装美艺ZZMY 设计师:吴艳、严建中

??设计意图:以独特的东方文化元素为设计背景,创导“世界向东”的设计理念,向国内外人士介绍中国文化元素之美Design intention: take the unique oriental cultural element as the design background, create and guide the design idea of "the world to the east", introduce the beauty of the Chinese cultural elements to the people at home and abroad










??take the unique oriental cultural element as the design background,

??create and guide the design idea of "the world to the east",

??introduce the beauty of the Chinese cultural elements

??to the people at home and abroad.



餐厅空间 魅影婆娑





??Purple is one of the rarest colors in nature,

??with noble, elegant,


??calm temperament,

??has been extended to the ancient times as a symbol of nobility,

??especially in the Sui and Tang dynasties of China

??has become the exclusive color of emperors and senior officials.








??The inspiration for this case

??came from the description of "goldfish bag purple clothes",

??which represented saints and emperors in ancient times.

??In Chinese tradition,

??"purple python robes and waist yellow"

??were used to refer specifically to three level of officials,

??and the costumes were also decorated

??with a prescribed embroidery pattern corresponding to the grade.

??Is the highest pursuit of official career in ancient China,


??"purple to the east, often blessed."




客厅空间 亭台楼阁



主卧空间 青鸾翊舞



次卧空间 翰墨书香



书房空间 “绣”丽江南




??Project name


??urple coat as crown


??Item address


??Shimao Tianchen,Jianggan District,

??Hangzhou, China


??Design company


??Chinese beauty art ZZMY










??更多详情请关注中国软装教育网 www.i-rz.cn

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